Whenever we travel from tropical weather country to cold wether country, it’s common for us to develop chapped lips. Chapped lips is a symptom where your lips appear to be severely cracked, burnt and feel sore as a result of prolonged exposure to cold and dry weather. This will make you feel uncomfortable and may get infected. Normally, if you apply lips balm or using a lipstick, this will make your lips has enough moisture to avoid chapped lips. So, it is very important to know what is the weather condition of the country and be prepared even for small things like buying lips balm or lipsticks. This will surely help you a lot when meeting with customer. Imagine talking to your customer with chapped lips. It’s a nightmare.
For those who lips balm is not in the list, or has forgotten to bring one and unable to find any store selling them, a simple tips can help you to save your lips from chapped lips. Travelers from hot tropical country will normally forget to bring this type of items because they are used to hot weather where to get this chapped lips is very rare. Normally, hotels do provide butter or margerine during our breakfast in a small packet. This butter/margerine can served as a temporary solutions. You just need to regularly apply the butter on your lips to keep the moisture and avoid lips being dried. I did use this butter all the time because I will normally forget to buy lips balm. It helps me to avoid chapped lips and the taste of the butter also yummy.

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